Hello There

About Me

My research interests surround the domain of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for applications in Aerospace Technology, Autonomous Vehicles, and Brain-Computer Interfaces. Through my exposure to the sciences, I have found AI to be the single toolbox we can use to solve various problems in various industries.

Within aerospace, I've worked on natural language AI for autonomous drones. Using state of the art, Transformer based AI models, reasoning and various services can be provided to autonomous drones.

Within BioTech, I want to pursue Brain-Computer interfaces as both a medical treatment and a wearable technology. Using signal processing techniques, such as time transforms, neural data can be decoded for use with Brain-Computer, Brain-Cloud, and Brain-Brain Interfaces. These algorithms can also decode intent, potentially aiding memory and cognition.

Key Words: Brain-Computer Interfaces, Brain-Cloud Interfaces, Human Brain-Computer Interfaces, Artificial Intelligence, Flight Dynamics, Computer Vision Image Recognition, Natural Language Processing, Intelligent Systems



  • BERT

  • Stanza/CoreNLP

  • OpenCV

  • Tensorflow

  • Keras

  • Git/GitHub

  • MRTK

  • SciKit


  • Python

  • Java

  • C/C++

  • Objective-C/Swift

  • C#

  • R


  • iOS/MacOS

  • Windows 10+

  • Linux (Ubuntu, PopOS)

  • Unity

Dr. Benjamin Villalonga is a quantum physicist working on quantum computing. In this episode, Kamran asks about Quantum computing, where it is, and where it will be in the future.

Dr. Ken Farley is the lead scientist on the Mars 2020 Rover. Kamran interviews him on the upcoming mission and they talk about some of the experiments that will be conducted during the project's lifespan.